Some Sort Of A Story...(a first blog).

Having been mainly concerned for quite a long time with doing the actual artwork, I’ve recently been enlightened to the fact that “the backstory” is a generally desired thing by the viewing public as to the time, place and reason the work itself comes into being. Seems obvious now that I put those words down, but I guess for any artist it is a matter of being so deep into the forest that one cannot often step back adequately for certain gems of clarity.

The work, being pictures in general (as opposed to my installation and sculpture forays), are, I suppose, stories within themselves. Of course they are. And therefore I will endeavor from time to time to say something cogent not only about these visual stories but aspects surrounding their arrival.

However, it is with a great fear of possibly coming off as self-centered or egotistical that I could shy away from talking about anything regarding MY story. I understand that to those who find something worthwhile to take away from the work that “The Artist’s Story” is (sometimes!) no less interesting.

Having myself read volumes and reams of material of the great artists which inspire me - I can readily understand the craving for the artist’s personal background, thoughts, comments and experiences covering all spectrums. In saying that - I am NOT… placing myself…nor do I think of myself as “A GREAT ARTIST”. I’m just merely relaying the understanding I have of as one of the audience.…to anyone else (as audience) who may be interested in the work I produce.

So there it is. The first blog.

Let this preface be the beginnings of (I hope) more interesting stories to follow.


Hong Kong - August 25, 2023
