Taken together and comprising a single comprehensive "Pop Art Brand" concept, the SO!Trouble and NO!Trouble titles, and their respective permutations,
are a brother and sister series. Individually and as a whole these pieces engage via numerous expressive variations on personal and social themes.
First conceived in Hong Kong in the summer of 2006 in reaction to the artist's fresh immersion within a new, foreign and highly capitalistic environment,
the concept was developed as a means to react to and process a new stimulating global perspective.
Two sides of one coin - together, the series aims to stimulate a cross purpose within the viewer's mind via a personal identification and then an external relationship to the world at large.
This dual aspect utilizes modes of self-expression using humor but also with more serious commentary within a variety of contexts.
A cross-section of various sub-categories encompass; the Individual, Family, Social, Political, Inspirational, Event and Environmental topics.